Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 27, day 24 Van Damme Beach State Park to Salt Point State Park

May 27, day 24 Van Damme Beach State Park to Salt Point State Park

Starting odo 7212

I get up pretty early, having had a moderately poor night.  I ended up
staying awake from about 1:30 to 3:00, perhaps with short periods of

We break camp and head over to the nearest store which also has a
grill in it, and order breakfast, which turns out to be pretty good.

Leaving, we work down the coast.  And it is work, as there are
consistent hills that are sufficient to put us into our lowest gears.
Luckily, we have a little tailwind that is helping us.  Still,
progress seems slow.

The  bike is working well with the new freewheel, although the
specific gears are a little different than the old ones.

The towns that we are passing through are generally small, perhaps in
the range of 200-400 people.  Sometimes this means stores and useful
things, other times there are just houses.

We are trying to pick a place for lunch, and Manchester seems good,
although there is only a combination grocery/hardware store.

After eating there, we find that the next town looks much nicer.

Around this time I start looking for a laundromat since I have no more
clean clothes.  Anchor Bay has one, and I run a load of clothes while
sipping a beer.

We again set out, a little worried that we will not be able to reach
the day's goal, Salt Point State Park.  The next stretch of road turns
out to have more moderate hills as the route crosses into Sonoma
county, and will the tailwind we make good time, arriving at the park
a little before dusk.  The problem for me is that the park does not
have showers!  Somehow we have overlooked this!  If we could go on to
the county park, there are showers but its dark and not advisable to
ride on state highway 1.  The road is much busier today because its
the start of Memorial Day weekend.  Luckily, most of the traffic is
coming from the south,

After eating a turkey, blue cheese, cranberry and onion sandwich I
return to the tent.  The  sandwich, btw, turns out to be vey tasty!

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